Friday 2nd August 2019
Path open to riders behind the Waggon and Horses at Eaton, Congleton

Some members may not be aware that Pat Amies has now sorted access for riders to use the path behind the pub which links the new bridlepath from Giantswood Lane  with School Lane and thus avoids having to ride along a section of the A34.  We should all be most grateful to Pat for her […]

Sunday 19th May 2019
Paying for BBA events

The committee would be most grateful if members paying for events by cash would kindly put their payment in an envelope with clear details of name and event entered.  Assistance in this matter would be very much appreciated as we like to make sure that there is as little risk of error as possible. Payment […]

Friday 3rd May 2019
Footpath upgraded to bridlepath – 19 years of work!

Pat Amies has successfully claimed  FP 8 at Siddington and it is now a bridleway. its actually a tarmaced road leading to Blake house Farm but only a bit is used to connect to a RP .   Well done, Pat!

Monday 8th April 2019
Notice regarding ‘In case of emergency’ details

The committee asks members attending ridden events to carry in case of emergency details with them.  This can be a card in a pocket – please not in a hat.  It can be in your mobile phone under ICE but not if there is a pin code.  The BBA provides ICE bands which can be […]

Monday 25th March 2019
Notice to all members attending BBA events regarding safety

The organisation expects our participants to be wearing hats to the correct standard and body protectors which are to the current accepted level.  Crash hats without a peak should be worn for cross country.  Air jackets are optional but should be declared on entry to an indoor school/lesson.  If in doubt as to the correct […]

Wednesday 2nd January 2019

Membership is due for renewal on 1 April, unless you have joined us since 1 January and then you need not renew until 1 April 2023. Those wishing to re-join can use the form on this website and forward it together with your cheque (made payable to Border Bridleways Association) at the address below or […]

Thursday 1st November 2018
Privacy Policy

Border Bridleways Association Privacy notice At Border Bridleways Association we are committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. We explain here why and when we collect personal information, how we keep it secure and under what conditions we may disclose it to others. We may change this notice from time to time so please check […]

Wednesday 15th March 2017
Group e mails

From time to time we send out e mails with information on upcoming events.  A number of e mails are undeliverable so if you have not received any e mails and you wish to receive them please contact a committee member. If you wish to opt out please let us know.

Wednesday 17th February 2016
BHS North West

As a BHS affiliated bridleway group we get information about upcoming events in the North West region. For further information use the link on this website and go to news in your area or